Thursday, June 2, 2011

Washington DC

I have been asked to go to Washington, DC on behalf of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of North Texas. I will be lobbying for several issues pertaining to improving the treatments of anyone who is affected by blood cancers (things like please do not cut funding to the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute, and fund a program which will shorten the time between new research/treatments from the clinical trial to getting it to the patient).

I am representing the Fort Worth district, specifically Kay Bailey Hutchison's district, and hope to meet with her or her people.

It's very exciting for me...but what is even more exciting is the fact that my husband and daughter will go too. Brandt grew up in the the DC area, so he can't wait to show Annie around his old stompin' ground.

Annie will miss the last day of school (Monday---which is actually a snow make-up day) which means messing up her PERFECT attendance this year. But, we decided that the Nation's Capital will be a little more educational than the last day of school huh?


The Pennington Point said...

Hooray for you! I can't wait to hear all about it. You ROCK! Lisa~

Paper Potter said...

What? Miss a day of school? You don't think perfecting the spit wad will be relevant to her future? KID-ding!

I can't think of a better person to go and lobby for this cause. You will do everyone so proud!

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