Sunday, May 29, 2011

and a new adventure begins...

So by know everyone knows I shaved my head a few months ago.
That very day I started asking...what's next on my bucket list???

It wasn't long after this, we HAD to buy another car. The "beemer" that we had loved and cherished was dying a slow and very expensive death. So, the search began...hummmm....what kind of car have I always wanted? Well since I had the beemer for 12 years, my next car should be....a CONVERTIBLE!! Yeah, that's it!! Anyway I've got the perfect hair for it right?

The search began. I really wanted a VW Beetle convertible. We drove a couple. Yes, it's pretty fun to drive. Then for some strange reason I said, "what does the trunk look like?"
Have any of you seen the trunk of a VW beetle convertible? It's about the size of a laundry basket...not a large one mind you. I began to envision a trip to Mississippi, with 2 grown-ups, a kid and 2 dogs. And all our stuff tied on the top. Or better yet, sticking out the top.
OK, not practical.

Then my smart husband called our friend Troy in Kerrville, who owns a car dealership. Guess what he was getting on the lot "JUST THIS AFTERNOON"....A Mustang convertible, driven by a little old lady, who only drove it to church on Sundays. Now, I'm not really a Mustang convertible kinda gal. Those are for old men, right? But it was in our budget, had very few miles on it and it's in perfect shape. AND, did I mention it's a convertible?

Ok, so to recap my bucket list:
Shave head for good cause----check
Buy fun car to go with new hair-do-----check
What next?

How about training for a marathon? You don't need much hair for that either, huh?
One of my patient's Mom came to my head shaving event to support me, and mentioned that she is training for a marathon with the leukemia & lymphoma society's Team in Training. They provide personal trainers, coaches, and a group of great friendly folks to train with on Saturday mornings. All to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Oh, and did I forget to say that the aforementioned marathon is the NIKE Women's Marathon in SAN FRANCISCO????!!!! And, at the end you get a genuine Tiffany's custom necklace made only for those who finish the race???

Well, you know right then and there I decided to go for it! Yep, I'm training, got the shoes, cool watch, and some fine undergarments (these girls are not going anywhere).

but decided to start slow and go for the HALF-marathon, just 13.1 miles :)
did I mention San Francisco hills???

More stories to come....I promise.


~kristi said...

way to go Mama! The shoes are the key, at least thats what they say,

Paper Potter said...

Kristi's right, new shoes every 300 miles!

annie's mom said...

Ok so I've got 23 miles on these new babies so far!

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