Sunday, June 12, 2011

4th problemo.

This is the face of a girl who passed the 4th grade with THREE awards:
  1. Perfect attendance
  2. Participation in the Student Council
Those of you who know us, may realize that #2 is great for a girl with asthma,
but #3 is a B.L.E.S.S.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've come a long way baby!


~kristi said...

so beautiful! Way to go Annie! I do remember the starting woes of first grade, honor roll is a huge thing!!

Paper Potter said...

Annie I am so proud of you that words just do not do justice to what is in my heart for you. Can. Not. Wait! to see you again!!!

The Pennington Point said...

She's gorgeous! I hope you're planning to frame that picture. Lisa~

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