Thursday, September 15, 2011

not many pictures lately because...

I lost my favorite little red Nikon somewhere in an airport between DFW and Washington, DC.

I have mourned for 3 months now. I have kicked myself for being so irresponsible.

Once we realized the camera was not with us in DC, we were forced to purchase another point & shoot that we did not like, so had to return it once we got back to Ft Worth. At least we got some pictures from Washington, DC.

So since experiencing my great loss, I have not taken one picture until yesterday when a beautiful RED dragonfly was just sitting quietly in the garden. But because it's been so long since I downloaded anything I can't find the cords and remember how to download the picture.

I still have my Canon, and I do love it, but it's just too big to drop in my purse and point & shoot at the drop of a hat.

Oh well. I'm hoping Santa will think I'm worthy of another little red Nikon if I can just hold out til December.

(Yes, it's a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach!!)

1 comment:

~kristi said...

Oh Lisa, she is so beautiful!!! I know of the little red Nikon. I have one, but my canon is my best friend.

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