Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's UNresolutions

I cant remember the last time I made New Year's Resolutions.
(I always resolve to lose weight in October...just fyi)

Then it occurred to me this morning that I just don't do resolutions well. I do UNresolutions better. A few years ago after I had enrolled in grad school, a co-worker flatly told me "you'll never make it through grad school." Well, I yup and quit my job so I could attend GRAD school FULL-TIME.
So there.

I guess I should thank her.

So maybe I will do better if I say I CAN'T do something rather than DOING something.

1. I am NOT going to eat more vegetables and fruit.
2. I am NOT going to find a new cool & quirky hair style. Which would mean I am NOT going to search for a new hairstylist.
3. I am NOT going to get to church early.
4. I am NOT going to hang pictures on my walls.
5. I am definitely NOT going to lose that 10 pounds I gained BACK last year.
6. I am SO NOT going to start so many sentences with the word SO.
7. I am NOT going to use as many exclaimation points...wait, that's too much.

Enough already.

I'll keep you posted on my UNprogress.



The Pennington Point said...

I do NOT wish I could come for a visit so we could get our hair dine and hang pictures on your walls while eating fruits and veggies. Lisa~

Paper Potter said...

I am NOT going to color my hair!
I am NOT going to come to Ft. Worth to see my good friend and my little ninja.
I am NOT going quit working so hard on stampin' and I am NOT going to spend more time in my yard!

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